RGI (Registered Gas Installers of Ireland)
Safe Energy Ireland
I am committed to bringing the highest quality of standards and services to all my clients.
I take great pride in designing individual system for each job site (domestic homes, schools, factory's, nursing homes etc). Understanding the needs of my clients and their projects. Therefore design the system to your needs, Quality, Efficiency and Reliability. If you're looking for these qualities in your project we're there for you.
I'm so proud of the work I do I put my name on it.
Philip Marry Heating and Plumbing Limited.
Fully equipped and insured family business since 1968.
All Aspects of Heating and Plumbing Gas and Oil services Available.
RGI (registered gas installers of Ireland)
Safe Energy Ireland Certified
From Safe Energy Ireland Website:
Since 2006, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) has worked with the gas industry to put in place a new regulatory system to supervise the work of gas installers with respect to safety. This new statutory-based regulatory system has replaced the previous voluntary register operated by Bord Gaìs.
The CRU has appointed Safe Energy Ireland as the Safety Supervisory Body (SSB).
On the 26 June 2009 the CRU enacted the Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 which makes it illegal for any person who is not a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) registered with the RGI scheme to undertake “Gas Work”. It has also became a legal requirement for all RGIs to issue a Declaration of Conformance (completion cert) for all “Gas Work”carried out. Individuals who carry out “Gas Work” and who are not registered will be subject to criminal proceedings.